Shipping Glossary
B/L Port of DischargePort where cargo is discharged from means of transport |
B/PBills payable |
B/SBalance sheet |
B/SCHBunker surcharge |
Back CallSubsequent premium paid e.g. to the P / I Club at the end of an insurance year in case the amount paid at the start of the insurance year (Advanced Call) are not sufficient to cover damages caused |
BackhaulTo haul a shipment back over part of a route it has traveled |
BAFBunker Adjustment Factor, used to compensate steamship lines for fluctuating fuel costs. Also called FAF, Fuel Adjustment factor |
Balloon FreightLight, bulky articles |
Bank GuaranteeGuarantee issued by a bank to a carrier to be used in lieu of lost or misplaced original negotiable bill of lading |