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Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary

Customs Assessment

Differentiation between specific duties and ad valorem duty. Specific duties are payable according to weight, number of pieces or measurements of goods, whereas for ad valorem duties the monetary value of the goods serves as a basis for calculation

Customs Bonded Warehouse

A warehouse where goods may be stored, authorized and established by Customs

Customs Broker

A firm that represents importers in all dealings with Customs. Responsible for obtaining and submitting all documents for clearing merchandise through Customs, arranging inland transport, and paying all charges related to these functions

Customs Clearance

All activities of a customs office required according to the applicable customs regulations of a country which render it possible to use imported and/or exported goods according to their intended purpose

Customs Declaration

Tax declaration in the sense of the Fiscal Code which the person liable for payment of customs duty must file in duplicate with the customs office when importing the goods. The customs declaration serves as a basis for calculating the customs charges and is standardised within the EC

Customs Examination

Spot checks of dutiable goods which are divided into two categories. - External examination, i.e. determination of the gross weight, number of pieces and outside condition of freight units. - Internal examination, i.e. determination of the type and volume of goods in a freight unit according to classification in the customs tariff

Customs Exclave

Part of a country's territory which is not comprised by the customs territory. As long as imported goods remain in the customs exclave, the obligation to pay customs charges cannot arise. Such obligation arises only if the goods are brought from the customs exclave to the customs territory. Example: Free port of Hamburg

Customs Exemption

Exemption from the obligation to pay customs duties for certain goods

Customs Invoice

A form requiring all data in a commercial invoice along with a certificate of value and/or a certificate or origin. Required in some countries (usually former British territories) and serves as a seller's commercial invoice

Customs Tariff

A schedule of charges assessed by a government on imported or exported goods

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서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구