Company Information


Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary


A Customs document permitting the holder to temporarily carry or send merchandise into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds

Canceled B/L

Used to cancel a processed B/L usually per shipper!/s request. (different from a voided B/L).


Cover made of very strong cloth. Is used for covering hatches, lifeboats, open-top containers etc. Syn.: Tarpaulin


Computer assisted ordering



Capacity Charter

Charterparty according to which not an entire ship but only the mentioned holds of the ship are loaded

Capacity Dues

Fee paid by the ship to the quay operators. The amount payable depends on the gross tonnage and the number of lay days of the ship


Total internal container volume (LxWxD) or weight limitation

Cape Hatteras

Cape at Norfolk (USA) marking the southernmost border of the North Atlantic line. However, irrelevant as a line border for Hapag-Lloyd


Computer-aided production management

오시는 길

서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구