Company Information


Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary

Cargo Tracer

Cargo tracing device for missing or excess cargo which is dispatched by the agent in the port of discharge to the agents in the other ports of discharge

Cargo Waiver

Document by means of which protected shipowners assign their transport right to third party shipowners. In case of flag protectionism, a non-resident shipowner requires a Cargo in order to ship cargo into the protected country

Cargo Winch

Rotatable cylinder on board of ships which is driven by an electric motor and over which ropes and wire cords run to serve as a draw winch for the gear


Air dehumidifying system for the cargo holds of a ship to reduce or entirely prevent condensation

Carload Rate

A rate applicable to a carload of goods


A Customs document allowing special categories of goods to cross international borders without payment of duties


Any individual or organization who in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or procure the performance of carriage by rail, road, sea, air, inland waterway or a combination of such modes

Carrier Certificate/Release Order

A certificate required by US Customs to certify the firm or individual named in the certificate as the owner or consignee of the cargo

Carrier$s Allowance

Term related to Conference Line shipping. If a freight pool exists, the net freight results are distributed among its members according to agreed shares. Previously, however, a variable percentage or a fixed amount per container or TEU is deducted as the carrier's allowance. This deduction covers the costs incurred with the loading/unloading of the cargo, commissions etc

Carrier$s Haulage

Transport of a container from/to a seaport organised by the shipping company for which the latter is hence liable

오시는 길

서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구